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Muesli bars are a good snack to have around because although they're sweet, they are very healthy, containing vitamins, carbs, proteins and many other important nutrients. These balanced bites are appropriate for any time of the day; suitable for lunchboxes (with another component, of course), sweet party finger foods or even as a study snack! To preserve, keep refrigerated but DO NOT FREEZE because some of the flavour could be lost during the defrosting process.

Makes 20 - 30 + squares

Prep 20 minutes

Baking 25 minutes

500ml (400g) muesli

250ml (200g) sugar

250ml (80g) medium dessicated

125ml sesame seeds

125ml sunflower seeds

250ml (120g) flour

250g butter

30ml golden syrup ( or maple syrup / honey )

5ml bicarbonate of soda

1. Preheat to 180C, grease and line 30x40 cm baking pan.

2. Combine dry ingredients in a large bowl and mix well.

3. Melt butter and syrup in a saucepan or in a microwave (together), add to the muesli mixture and mix well and press mixture into the pan. Press really flat with the back of a spoon or spatula and bake for 25minutes until golden brown and almost solid.

4. Cool, remove and cut into squares before mixture cools completely


You may add apricots, figs, cranberries or raisins. Come up with more ways to make these already tasty bites TASTIER.

You can also decorate the bars with small sweets or bits of cereal by scattering them all around the dough before baking, while still gooey. You can use M&Ms, Skittles, jelly beans&babies, Smarties, chocolate chips or any small pieces of candy that you like! Be adventurous!

You can also decorate using using chunks or strips of chocolate, but to ensure that the chocolate remains solid, put it onto the bars after baking and immediately refrigerate.

Alternatively sprinkle chocolate sauce to add a bit of style! White chocolate also works.

BUT don't get carries away with the candy, you could potentially eliminate/overshadow the healthy aspects of the snack, which defeats the initial object: ENJOYING A SWEET SNACK THE HEALTHY WAY!

For diabetics or those who aren't fans of sweet snacks, just eliminate the sugar and candy while cutting down on the syrup (perhaps using the honey is healthier). Keep the fruits.


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